The Space Between

There’s so much space between.

Space between thoughts, words, breaths, blinks, heartbeats, moments…..everything. Yet, we spend so much time focused on the busyness, action, expression—all those things that catch our attention and hold our focus. But in the middle of it all—is this beautiful space of pure being. So subtle we often miss it. Hidden in plain sight, we miss the peace, the being, the connection to a higher purpose—that is woven into the silent space.

This physical world is mostly space. There’s much more “space” in a tree, than there is “matter”. Of course, to see this you’d have to magnify it by 200-400x. Here’s a photo of the Paulownia Tree magnified by 200X to show you the amount of space that exists between something as visually solid as a tree.


Take a moment and allow yourself to tune into this space. Notice it exists. Notice the purity of it. Like a blank slate all around you and within you—a place where you can create without all the distraction of the physical world. Once you are aware of the space between everything, it actually becomes much easier to sense. And in this space, where physical life is on pause, you can connect to a state of awareness that fosters personal empowerment, peace of mind, strength of spirit and more.

With practice, the conscious acknowledgement of this part of your being can improve your life. This space can be experienced during meditation, hypnosis, deep breathing, exercise, and other mind-body states of being.

The space between is just as much a part of life as everything we can physical see, touch and experience. It just takes a shift in your awareness and a willingness to think outside of the box.

Here’s to your Happy Space!


Somehow life always manages to sneak in little tests, to see how well I can handle stressful situations. Things I thought were long past and resolved, recently popped their ugly heads out of the sand. The surprise of it all always has me staring at the offending event wordlessly. Like if I stare long and hard enough—it will vanish. Becoming invisible. But, alas—this is life. And while my first response to stress is to feel—-well, stress, I now counter that pretty quickly and get myself back in the game. I choose not to let it control me anymore.

Things happen. Some things we can change or fix or talk about. Some things we can’t. Stress is feeling helpless to do anything. And even if it’s something we can actually fix—feeling stress about it only makes it worse.

Here’s a few ways I manage stress (beside my beloved hypnosis!) 🙂

1. Spend some time with kind, positive people

2. Get a full night’s sleep

3. Exercise

4. Try to learn something. Do better in the future

5. Cry or Laugh. Or both.

6. Breathe.

What do you do to manage stress naturally?






I’d thought I’d follow up a post about guilt with one about forgiveness. Forgiveness is the key to releasing you from the past—and that includes guilt. I personally have a personality type that struggles with forgiveness, so I have to work extra hard sometimes to move past difficult events (and difficult people!). But, once I realized lack of forgiveness only hurts ME, I knew I couldn’t allow myself to hold onto past hurt anymore.

Forgiveness—of yourself and others—is a way to access the super highway of personal freedom. It’s a gift you give yourself. A gift that literally changes your perception and transforms how you experience life.

Acceptance and gratitude turn life lessons into wisdom.

Once we stop fighting with the fact the “something happened” and accept our inability to time-travel into the past and change it—we can embrace ourselves in the present moment, which allows us to experience life from a better and higher place. It doesn’t make us better than anyone else. It just means we refuse to allow others to have such power over us. Seriously think about it. Those we hold in resentment and anger, have a tremendous power in our life. They hold us down. And control our ability to live better and keep us from a higher expression of ourselves. WE are the only ones who can choose to cut the cords to the past and embrace a new future.

Now, I know forgiveness can be extremely hard sometimes. Especially if what happened is a violation of human rights or personal privacy. So, if you find yourself truly trapped and unable to move forward—no matter how hard you try—consider trying hypnotherapy. Hypnosis can connect you with your higher self and empower you to step into your greatness, free of pain, hurt, resentment and unforgiveness. Hypnosis can make the process much less difficult and speed up the transition to freedom.

Think about it. How much lighter you’ll be without the weight of others on your shoulders. Free to be you. Free to be.

Life Experience & Hypnosis

Using hypnosis to positively affect children is easier than you think! In fact, most people don’t realize we are constantly being hypnotized during our formative years. Any repetitive message can eventually creep its way into the brain, set up a nice little home and manage to impact the rest of our life. Anyone brought up with the constant hum of, “you’re not good enough” or “you can’t do that” — are most certainly carrying those heavy words somewhere in their subconscious mind. So, without conscious awareness, our entire lives could be dictated by messages that aren’t even true!

And guess what? Everyone is capable. Everyone deserves to be happy. To be successful. To have love. If there is something in life you haven’t yet obtained, you can be certain there’s a sneaky, untrue belief lurking inside of you—sabotaging every effort you make, and keeping you right where (your programming thinks) you belong. You’ve been hypnotized to believe you are less than or something other than amazing.

It doesn’t take much to turn this all around. It really doesn’t. In fact, sometimes the first step is the hardest to take because it involves removing the glasses of denial and peering (often uncomfortably) at the truth. ANY message you accepted growing up that prevents you from health, happiness and success— is B.S. Admit it’s there. Challenge it. And then reprogram a new way of being into the computer of your mind. Hypnosis works. Meditation works. Visualization works. Mostly importantly, being in a relaxed state of mind while reprogramming tends to have the best results. I use hypnosis. (in case that’s not obvious already)

Back to kids. Any child that you have interaction with or impact on—-remember—-their minds are like sponges, soaking up everything they see, hear and experience. Make sure the messages are uplifting, positive, caring and supportive. Make sure they know they are good enough. They can do it. And they matter. That way, the next generation won’t need to focus on fixing negative subconscious programming. They can focus on living!

What are you believing that isn’t true?