Good Health, Plain and Simple

The first time I ever read that my mind could influence my health—I’ll admit it—I sorta balked. Sure, maybe it was possible for some people, but not me. I kept reading, intrigued really, at the connection of my mind and body. And the connection my emotions had to—well, everything. 

By the time my brain was done absorbing the information, I was a believer. I knew I could positively affect my health. And I did.

I decided I was done being sick 3-4 times per year, like pretty much everyone else I knew. During one of my early self-hypnosis sessions, I gave myself post hypnotic suggestions: I am healthy. No illness can enter my body. I am well. My immune system is strong. Stuff like that.

I bought this belief heart and soul. It became a part of me, and I expected nothing less than good health. Well, fall came that year and my kids went back to school, I waited optimistically. School always started the cycle. One of the kids would bring home a bug and it would cycle through the family for weeks. Except this time, I stayed well. For the first time ever, I didn’t get sick in the fall. Or that winter. Or the next fall or winter. In fact, I went over 4 years without so much as a sniffle. FOUR YEARS.

It took a near divorce to sidetrack my belief in wellness and my body’s ability to maintain it. I started to question myself and whether it was me and my belief system or if it was just a fluke. Of course, I’d never gone over 6 months without getting sick before, but even still—the stress of a relationship breakdown had me questioning everything. And the more I questioned it—the closer I came to illness. Because I allowed a belief that I had successful held for over 4 years to begin to crack. The moment I began saying, “I don’t know if I can stay well this fall when the kids return to school” —was it. The strong foundation I’d built, now was faltering, and I was solely responsible for it. And yes, I finally got sick.

The great thing about all of this is—-I learned more about myself, my power, my mind and how truly influential I can be on my own life and health. I realize that many illnesses start in our brain, or at the very least fester and grow there. If we can use the magnificent power in our minds to keep our immune system strong and healthy—there’s not much we can’t do.


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